Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo Update: Time-Lapse test shot (LED Lettuce)

Today the long-awaited red/blue LED experiment has gotten underway. That is, the plants have been moved into their new reservoir below the LED panels. I spent some time today setting up the time-lapse camera and getting the focus/etc corrected. Below is a test shot from that camera, indicating approximately how the time-lapse videos will look. It's a little strange that this setup is totally in the dark, but I want to exclude all secondary sources of light.

Some details you might find interesting:
-The camera is set up to take photos every fifteen minutes during the 'daylight' hours of the experiment.
-The lettuce is receiving 13 hours of light per day, so we'll get about 52 shots per day.
-The lettuce is being fed Maxi-Grow dry nutrient from General Hydroponics, at a concentration of 1 teaspoon per gallon.
-The reservoir holds 7 gallons of solution.
-The solution pH is being kept at 6.5
-Solution temperature is 68 degrees.

You'll notice the camera is set up a bit high, or that the plants appear very low in the frame. This is to make space in the frame for the (hopefully) explosive growth we're about to witness.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! You could also set up a webcam to provide constant feedback on your experiment. And if you wanted to you could set the plants up in suggestive positions and charge per the hour. It's a gold mine Bucket, a gold mine!
